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Icons for Figma
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Icons for Framer
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Read about usage and visual specifications for icons on the Iconography design guideline. For implementation instructions, visit the icon component blueprint page.
Icon TypesIcon Types
Utility icons are simple, single-color glyphs that identify labels and actions across form factors
Standard & Custom
Standard Object and Custom Object icons represent Salesforce entities and objects (e.g., Accounts, Leads, Cases, etc.)
utility Iconsutility Icons
activity ad_set add adduser adjust_value advanced_function advertising agent_session alert all anchor animal_and_nature announcement answer answered_twice anywhere_alert anywhere_chat apex_plugin apex approval apps archive arrow_bottom arrow_top arrowdown arrowup asset_warranty assignment attach automate away back ban block_visitor bold bookmark breadcrumbs broadcast brush bucket bug builder button_choice call campaign cancel_file_request cancel_transfer capslock cart case cases center_align_text change_owner change_record_type chart chat check checkin checkout chevrondown chevronleft chevronright chevronup choice classic_interface clear clock close collapse_all collection_variable collection color_swatch comments company component_customization connected_apps constant contact_request contract_alt contract copy_to_clipboard copy crossfilter currency_input currency custom_apps cut dash data_mapping database datadotcom date_input date_time dayview delete deprecate description desktop_and_phone desktop_console desktop dialing diamond dislike display_rich_text display_text dock_panel down download drag_and_drop drag dynamic_record_choice edit_form edit education einstein email_open email emoji end_call end_chat end_messaging_session engage enter erect_window error event_ext event events expand_all expand_alt expand fallback favorite feed file filter_criteria_rule filter_criteria filter filterList flow_alt flow food_and_drink form formula forward_up forward freeze_column frozen fulfillment_order full_width_view global_constant graph groups help_center help_doc_ext help hide_mobile hide hierarchy high_velocity_sales holiday_operating_hours home identity image in_app_assistant inbox incoming_call info_alt info insert_tag_field insert_template inspector_panel internal_share italic jump_to_bottom jump_to_left jump_to_right jump_to_top justify_text kanban key_dates key keyboard_dismiss keypad knowledge_base layers layout leave_conference left_align_text left level_down level_up light_bulb lightning_extension lightning_inspector like link linked list listen live_message location_permit location lock locker_service_api_viewer locker_service_console log_a_call logout loop lower_flag macros magicwand mark_all_as_read matrix meet_content_source meet_focus_content meet_focus_equal meet_focus_presenter meet_present_panel merge_field merge metrics minimize_window missed_call money moneybag monthlyview move multi_picklist multi_select_checkbox muted new_direct_message new_window new news note notebook notification number_input office365 offline_briefcase offline_cached offline omni_channel open_folder open opened_folder outbound_call outcome overflow package_org_beta package_org package page palette password paste pause_alt pause payment_gateway pdf_ext people percent phone_landscape phone_portrait photo picklist_choice picklist_type picklist pin pinned planning_poker play podcast_webinar pop_in power preview price_book_entries price_books pricing_workspace print priority privately_shared process product_service_campaign_item product_service_campaign product_warranty_term product_workspace products prompt_edit prompt push puzzle question_mark question questions_and_answers quick_text quip quotation_marks quote radio_button rating reassign recipe record_create record_delete record_lookup record_update record recurring_exception recycle_bin_empty recycle_bin_full redo refresh relate reminder remove_formatting remove_link replace reply_all reply report_issue reset_password resource_absence resource_capacity resource_territory retail_execution retweet ribbon richtextbulletedlist richtextindent richtextnumberedlist richtextoutdent right_align_text right rotate routing_offline rows rules salesforce_page salesforce1 save screen search section send sentiment_negative sentiment_neutral serialized_product_transaction serialized_product settings setup_assistant_guide setup_modal setup share_file share_mobile share_post share shield shift_pattern_entry shift_pattern shift_ui shopping_bag shortcuts side_list signpost skip_back skip_forward skip slider smiley_and_people sms snippet sobject_collection sobject socialshare sort spinner stage_collection stage standard_objects steps stop store strategy strikethrough success summary summarydetail survey swarm_request switch symbols sync system_and_global_variable table_settings table tablet_landscape tablet_portrait tabset target task text_background_color text_color text_template text textarea textbox threedots_vertical threedots thunder tile_card_list toggle_panel_bottom toggle_panel_left toggle_panel_right toggle_panel_top toggle topic topic2 touch_action tracker trail trailblazer_ext trailhead_alt trailhead_ext trailhead travel_and_places trending turn_off_notifications type_tool type undelete undeprecate underline undo unlinked unlock unmuted up upload user_role user variable variation_attribute_setup variation_products video voicemail_drop volume_high volume_low volume_off waits warning warranty_term watchlist weeklyview wifi work_order_type world yubi_key zoomin zoomout
doctype Iconsdoctype Icons
ai attachment audio box_notes csv eps excel exe flash folder gdoc gdocs gform gpres gsheet html image keynote library_folder link mp4 overlay pack pages pdf ppt psd quip_doc quip_sheet quip_slide rtf slide stypi txt unknown video visio webex word xml zip
standard Iconsstandard Icons
account action_list_component actions_and_buttons activation_target activations address agent_session all announcement answer_best answer_private answer_public apex_plugin apex app approval apps_admin apps article asset_action_source asset_action asset_downtime_period asset_object asset_relationship asset_state_period asset_warranty assigned_resource assignment avatar_loading avatar bot_training bot branch_merge brand business_hours buyer_account buyer_group calibration call_coaching call_history call campaign_members campaign cancel_checkout canvas carousel case_change_status case_comment case_email case_log_a_call case_milestone case_transcript case_wrap_up case catalog category channel_program_history channel_program_levels channel_program_members channel_programs chart checkout choice client cms coaching code_playground collection_variable collection connected_apps constant contact_list contact_request contact contract_line_item contract currency_input currency custom_component_task custom_notification custom customer_360 customer_lifecycle_analytics customer_portal_users customers dashboard_ea dashboard data_integration_hub data_mapping data_model data_streams datadotcom dataset date_input date_time decision default delegated_account device display_rich_text display_text document drafts dynamic_record_choice education einstein_replies email_chatter email employee_asset employee_contact employee_job_position employee_job employee_organization employee empty endorsement entitlement_policy entitlement_process entitlement_template entitlement entity_milestone entity environment_hub event events expense_report_entry expense_report expense feed feedback file filiter_criteria_rule filter_criteria filter first_non_empty flow folder forecasts form formula fulfillment_order generic_loading global_constant goals group_loading groups guidance_center hierarchy high_velocity_sales holiday_operating_hours home household immunization individual insights instore_locations investment_account invocable_action iot_context iot_orchestrations javascript_button job_family job_position job_profile kanban key_dates knowledge lead_insights lead_list lead letterhead lightning_component lightning_usage link list_email live_chat_visitor live_chat location_permit location log_a_call logging loop macros maintenance_asset maintenance_plan maintenance_work_rule marketing_actions merge messaging_conversation messaging_session messaging_user metrics multi_picklist multi_select_checkbox news note number_input observation_component omni_supervisor operating_hours opportunity_contact_role opportunity_splits opportunity order_item orders outcome output partner_fund_allocation partner_fund_claim partner_fund_request partner_marketing_budget partners password past_chat payment_gateway people performance person_account photo picklist_choice picklist_type planogram poll portal_roles_and_subordinates portal_roles portal post practitioner_role price_book_entries price_books pricebook pricing_workspace procedure_detail procedure process_exception process product_consumed product_item_transaction product_item product_request_line_item product_request product_required product_service_campaign_item product_service_campaign product_transfer product_warranty_term product_workspace product products proposition question_best question_feed queue quick_text quip_sheet quip quotes radio_button read_receipts recent recipe record_create record_delete record_lookup record_signature_task record_update record recycle_bin related_list relationship reply_text report resource_absence resource_capacity resource_preference resource_skill return_order_line_item return_order reward rtc_presence sales_cadence_target sales_cadence sales_channel sales_path sales_value salesforce_cms scan_card schedule_objective scheduling_constraint scheduling_policy screen search section segments serialized_product_transaction serialized_product service_appointment_capacity_usage service_appointment service_contract service_crew_member service_crew service_report service_request_detail service_request service_resource service_territory_location service_territory_member service_territory settings shift_pattern_entry shift_pattern shift_preference shift_template shift_type shift shipment skill_entity skill_requirement skill slider sms snippet snippets sobject_collection sobject social solution sort sossession stage_collection stage steps store_group store story strategy survey swarm_request system_and_global_variable task task2 team_member template text_template text textarea textbox thanks_loading thanks timesheet_entry timesheet timeslot today toggle topic topic2 trailhead_alt trailhead travel_mode unmatched user_role user variable variation_attribute_setup variation_products video visit_templates visits visualforce_page voice_call waits warranty_term webcart work_capacity_limit work_capacity_usage work_contract work_order_item work_order work_plan_rule work_plan_template_entry work_plan_template work_plan work_queue work_step_template work_step work_type_group work_type
custom Iconscustom Icons
custom1 custom2 custom3 custom4 custom5 custom6 custom7 custom8 custom9 custom10 custom11 custom12 custom13 custom14 custom15 custom16 custom17 custom18 custom19 custom20 custom21 custom22 custom23 custom24 custom25 custom26 custom27 custom28 custom29 custom30 custom31 custom32 custom33 custom34 custom35 custom36 custom37 custom38 custom39 custom40 custom41 custom42 custom43 custom44 custom45 custom46 custom47 custom48 custom49 custom50 custom51 custom52 custom53 custom54 custom55 custom56 custom57 custom58 custom59 custom60 custom61 custom62 custom63 custom64 custom65 custom66 custom67 custom68 custom69 custom70 custom71 custom72 custom73 custom74 custom75 custom76 custom77 custom78 custom79 custom80 custom81 custom82 custom83 custom84 custom85 custom86 custom87 custom88 custom89 custom90 custom91 custom92 custom93 custom94 custom95 custom96 custom97 custom98 custom99 custom100 custom101 custom102 custom103 custom104 custom105 custom106 custom107 custom108 custom109 custom110 custom111 custom112 custom113
action Iconsaction Icons
add_contact add_file add_photo_video add_relationship adjust_value announcement apex approval back bug call canvas change_owner change_record_type check clone close defer delete description dial_in download edit_groups edit_relationship edit email fallback filter flow follow following freeze_user goal google_news info join_group lead_convert leave_group log_a_call log_event manage_perm_sets map more new_account new_campaign new_case new_child_case new_contact new_event new_group new_lead new_note new_notebook new_opportunity new_person_account new_task new password_unlock preview priority question_post_action quote recall record refresh reject remove_relationship remove reset_password script share_file share_link share_poll share_post share_thanks share sort submit_for_approval update_status update upload user_activation user view_relationship web_link